Sunday, February 6, 2011

Getting Started

While various people over the years have learned some very interesting points about the book 'Thiaoouba Prophecy' by Michel Desmarquet , they have not really disclosed it to the public and if they do, they tend to disclose it at a price or according to their own personal likes or dislikes. This is something I personally detest because the information was meant for all people of Earth, not  just various individuals who appoint themselves as the guardians over the information.
Another thing, it is disturbing to see the book has been relegated to an almost sci-fi-type book, where people have read it like a novel, not really putting any time into understanding its weight and implications in the wider community. It seems that they like the story but do not really grasp its message. A quick Google search online shows people reading the book, but comparing it to other so called UFO conspiracy books as though they are all the same. Not all UFO books are the same. Some are entertainment and those are obvious, but others who are not should not get labelled as the same.

On this blog I will elaborate further on this topic and show some of the depth that this book possesses. I have chosen to remain anonymous as I have other goals in my life and don`t really seek to gain anything from passing on this information apart from the satisfaction that it has been done, and also maybe there is someone out there that can benefit from it.

Is the book a fake? Did it really happen?
I am still on the fence , I tend to think it did really happen. I base this on several points which I have gained from personal experience.
1. The writer is clearly not intelligent enough to write such a book. If you note the way he speaks and his mannerisms, it seems he simply does not possess the intelligence and creativity, or the communicative skills to formulate such a story. Even the lectures he has given on the topic and presentations were not what you call 'well done'.
2. The writer walked away from the book in 1999 and moved to Vietnam, to free himself from any association with it. He choose to hand it over to someone else to deal with. He does not like to talk about the book anymore and gets upset when asked to think about the whole affair. Before he chose to give up talking about the book he was in personal turmoil about what he should do, often in tears. He struggled to come to grips with his whole experience.
4. The book contains various bits of in-depth information which the writer does not really show any great interest in, which I will elaborate further this blog.
5. He never wrote another book, although the book is freely available. Money was not an issue in the success of the book. Various other people sell products related to the book, such as shirts, talks or interview but these were not put together by Michel directly. People that want to profit from scams tend to keep the scam going by selling products that compliment their scams.
If the book was a fake, is there any way it could have been faked?
            I don`t think it is completely out of the question...
1. The only notable source I have found that could possibly be the inspiration for the book or parts of the book, could have been borrowed from the books by James Churchward.  The books by James Churchward about Mu were published many years before TP . So it could have been read and then inserted in the story of TP  by Michel. Churchward is the only other source of such succinct information about the lost content of MU.

2. There are testimonies that have described him as a direct and straight -to-the-point man, to fake this story he would have to be a pathological liar which from witness testimonies this was not the case. Although Michel was known to have a disorder known as compulsive obsessive disorder this did not have anything to do with the information about Thiaoouba or the strength of his personal character.


  1. I agree
    I totally KNOW that this book was true and I have no doubt Michel Desmarquet was and is a truthful person. What kind of person writes a book such as this and does not wish to gain something from it but the spread of it's contents than a genuine person?

    I believe this book will have a profound and incomprehensible positive effect on our race and global issues

    1. Hey James,Adriana and anyone else reading this,
      It was quite serendipitiously that I landed on this blog...and noted with amazement that this blog is New Zealand based...I am in NZ at the moment...and have read TP many many years ago,and was in profound turmoil regarding it when I reached this blog....guys,care to share ur e-mail/FB?Would be great to discuss and receive some advice from you.

  2. I have asked to myself a question: theese people who took Michael to their evolueted planet and who are moore than evoluated have choosen him from all people on Earth in the mean to pass to humanity their prophecy ,but the goal was not at all succeded ,so thay did'nt picked up the wright guy,isn't it ?This is for me a great question,cause I espacted for much moore from them...

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hi there James, I have visited Michel whilst on holiday to Vietnam. Please don't be upset but I am going to have to disagree with you on a few points.

    1. Despite his advanced age I found him to be sharp minded and highly intelligent. Of course English isn't his first language .. but really his English is perfectly good. He strikes me as someone who loves to read, and loves to learn - and not about fluff, but of things that concern the welfare of the planet.
    2. He is obviously a bit tired of random fans visiting. Perhaps he walked away from the book for a time, but he will most likely talk to you about it if you visit. Especially if you bring some red wine, or perhaps if you are pretty and female ;-) [ahhhh well he is a cheeky frenchman despite his age].
    4. "book contains .. information which the writer does not really show any great interest " Hmmm.. perhaps this is true. I'm on the fence here :)
    5. "He never wrote another book" - Actually to my knowledge he has now written two other books.
    "the book is freely available" - I think that this is more Tom Chalko's choice rather than Michel's, since he gave Tom control.
    "Money was not an issue in the success of the book" - I recommend talking to Michel about royalties hehehe ;-)

    He is a curious fellow Michel. I will give him the benefit of the doubt for now! The things he writes at a deeper level keep turning out to be correct in unexpected ways.

    [I deleted my last comment as I wanted to tidy it up a bit :) ]
