Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Is the book a prophecy? And is the civilisation going to end as we know it?

In short if it did it would not be the first time a civilisation has disappeared on this earth.
I think the book is a prophecy and a guide to starting a intelligent civilisation. It is not widely known but Michel did talk about a a time and date when the civilisation was going to be reduced to about 80 000 people on this planet. This was some thing he was told by Thao.
The date he gave to a few people was 2013, that is in 2 to 3 years. It's hard to say and hard to fathom but I have verified this with different people that he did in fact say this, I verified this a few times because of the weight of the statement, various people know of this although it is not stated publicly.

What does this mean?

Well I guess if we are all here in 2014 then its a proof of something, and if we are not then that proves something as well.

Do we need to start again? Are there any benefits of this mass wiping out of people?

Well in short, there maybe, but also keep in mind it could of and can be avoided.

Firstly, given that human beings are a tiny portion of the creator wondering the earth who's positive experiences are shared by the creator, the creator stands to loss a portion of experience by the death of billions of people. Essentially, this was the very reason the universe was created simply because the creator wanted to feel something, the intent and action is manifest in us, we are that .

So this is not a good thing for the creator,as it stands to loose a lot of experience ,keeping in mind that death of the physical body does not extinguish the mind so it just means everyone goes home, but the creator does lose.

However, if billions of people suddenly become utterly materialistic then the experience that are generated by the human being which have to filter back through the higher self, becomes pointless.

The higher self is actually supposed to not only help the astral body in it`s life time but also filter its experiences, to allow for the creator to (a) to get the necessary experience it needs but also (b) to protect the creator from being impure by being exposed to experiences that are ultimately contamination. This is why in the book the Thora gives a warning about this in Thiaoouba Prophecy.

What are the consequences off this?

It is not explained very clearly in Thiaoouba Prophecy, but it makes one wonder if there are any safety measures set up in the universe when this process takes place.

Does the higher self clog? Or is the astral body removed from physical experience to prevent any further damage?

It is not really known, however it is known that excessive materialism is a problem to the higher self and the purpose of existence.


  1. As a long time reader of Michel's book I found this very interesting. Who else confirmed that Michel said this for you? Is there any video or audio of a lecture where Michel says this?

  2. it is now 2015, the population of the world is ever increasing. Does this mean the entire book is fake because of the whole '80 000 people in 2013' is false...
    I really wanted to believe the things Michel claims. :(

  3. Any thoughts given it is 2017 now?

    I too would like to see if it is possible to corroborate with other people regarding the statement that Michel said the end would come in 2013. I do trust you however.. so ..... what to make of this? Does it invalidate Michel, or have events been delayed for a time?

    "But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father." - Jesus
